The review of the Liberal Party’s 2022 federal election campaign is being conducted by Mr Brian Loughnane AO and Senator the Hon Jane Hume.

The terms of reference for the review are:

"To conduct a review of the Liberal Party’s 2022 federal election result, including the campaign and the period leading up to it, and to make recommendations arising from the review.

The review will include examination of the performance of – and lessons arising for – the Federal Secretariat/CCHQ, the Divisions of the Liberal Party (including the Country Liberal Party’s campaign in Solomon), and the parliamentary team.

The review will also examine, among other things:

  • The long-term challenge for the Party presented by independents running in, and winning, seats from the Liberal Party.

  • The Liberal Party’s electoral performance among different voter segments.

  • The selection of candidates by the Liberal Party."

The NSW Young Liberals made a submission to the review and you can view it below.

The submission looks at what happened in the recent federal election and makes recommendations for the party’s future.