For more than sixty years, the NSW Young Liberal Movement has served as the driving energy and conscience of the Liberal Party, producing many State and Federal Members of Parliament and Ministers.
Our Members come from a diversity of backgrounds, united in our love for Australia and our belief that Australia’s success is best guaranteed by free individuals and communities having a go and making a contribution.
We reject our opponents’ belief that our prosperity can ever be guaranteed by big government, more spending and higher taxes.
The Young Liberal Movement offers many opportunities to young people aged between 16 and 30 years old. You can:
Get involved in election campaigns and take the fight to Labor and the Greens
Get involved in policy debate and develop big ideas for our state and country’s future
Make new friends who share similar ideas
Network with our party and nation’s leaders
We believe in the freedom of the individual, equal opportunity for all, private property and the rule of law, and in defending fundamental freedoms – the freedom of thought, worship, speech and association. We support small government, free enterprise and individual freedom.
If these principles resonate with you, we want you to join us.
Georgia Lowden
President, NSW Young Liberals